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What will your new year look like?

We’re at the end of another year! I don’t know about you but 2022 went by pretty quickly. As I do my end-of-year reflections and review all my accomplishments for the year, I’m in awe of how much I’ve achieved! I encourage you to take some time to reflect on your year, it may surprise you how much has happened that you may not have noticed.

Take a look at the blog Take time to celebrate you.

One of my achievements this year was graduating with my Doctor of Education from Bradley University. This was not an easy feat. Countless sleepless nights writing, reading and revising but in the end, I was very proud and happy with my achievement. You can take a look at the end result, my scholarly research project, here - The Effects of Coaching on the Motivation of Nontraditional Students.

On a personal note, I took a 10-day trip with my family to Tenerife, Canary Islands. This was one of the most beautiful and relaxing vacations I have ever experienced. It was my first time traveling to Tenerife and I was amazed at the beauty of the island. It was also such a great time with my family who are my greatest treasures.

Lastly, and perhaps my biggest stretch for 2022, was moving from the east coast to the west coast, changing jobs and careers. During the last quarter of the year, I made the huge leap of leaving my very comfortable higher ed job of 20 years and embarking on a new career in the music industry. I also left my beloved home for the past 25 years, NYC, and flipped to LA. This was a bold but very rewarding move.

In my 20’s I made a similar flip from the small Caribbean island of Tobago to the big bustling city, of New York, but now that I'm older, making that leap was not as easy. I battled with nervousness about this big change. However, I decided to face my fears and make the leap, and I’m so glad I did! I’m enjoying the sunshine of California and the joys of working with young, emerging artists.

I learned a few things this year:

  1. Don’t let fear hold you back. Fear is inevitable, you will feel it but it’s your response to it that matters. I was fearful to make the move to California, however, this job was what I dreamed of so I made the decision to follow that dream despite what I was feeling.

  2. Expect challenges. Both my doctorate journey and my move had challenging moments. However, I found ways to overcome them. One of the ways I did that was by building an encouraging sister circle who helped me brainstorm ideas and navigate these challenges. Community is essential!

  3. Embrace downtime. I was glad that I took that trip to Tenerife with my family. It helped me to understand the meaning of rest, relaxation, and fun. It also gave me the needed downtime to get clarity and make future plans. Since that trip, I’ve incorporated more downtime into my schedule including taking short getaways.

As you enter a new year, reflect on what you want it to look like. Keep in mind that the journey may not be smooth. Expect bumps along the way, but despite this, keep your dream alive. Have a vision for the new year, write it down and keep it in focus.

I wish you all the best for 2023!

Pic: Evening sunset in Tenerife, Canary Islands.

Your coach,



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