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Don't be Distracted by Doubters!

Have you ever met someone who can never give you an encouraging word or who refuses to support your endeavors?

On your road to achieving your goals, you will encounter motivators as well as doubters. We welcome motivators but how do you handle those who doubt your ability to succeed?

Here are some helpful tips that I use:

  1. Focus on your vision: When you are discouraged because of doubters or naysayers, it’s easy to consider giving up. However, that’s the time that you should refocus on your vision and the goal that you set. Don’t allow the negativity of others to deter you from moving forward.

  2. Don’t take it personally: People sometimes react to your success and achievement in a negative way because of their own insecurities. Taking it personally will be doing yourself a disservice and can cause you to develop a negative mindset. Most times, their negative response to you is actually not even about you.

  3. Have empathy for them: This may be easier said than done but it helps to have empathy for the person. I’m not saying this to give them an excuse to be negative towards you but it helps to understand what their own experiences may be. Their reaction to you may be coming from a place of hurt or disappointment.

  4. Pray for them: Matthew 5:44 says “But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Your doubters are not necessarily your enemies but the principle is what’s notable. Praying for others helps both you and them. It can help you to develop empathy and peace and can also cause them to change their attitudes towards you. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

  5. Be discreet with who you share your vision: In this day of social media, you will be tempted to share every little detail with everyone. Social media gives the false impression that every person you’re connected with online is really your ‘friend’. Be discreet with what you share. Some people don’t need to be privy to every detail of your plans. Have a selective group of people that can give you constructive feedback and support.

  6. Build a team of positive people: We will all face doubters therefore it’s important to have a group of people who will encourage you. Negativity can cause you to be discouraged, sad, frustrated and despondent. It can make you want to give up on your goal. However, one positive word from a trusted friend can give you that pep you need to keep going! Hence it’s important to be surrounded by a positive team of people.

These tips should help you stay encouraged in the face of doubters. It also helps to surround yourself with people who are like minded. This keeps you focused, motivated and empowered!

Until next blog,


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