Are you struggling to decide on your college major? Or are you stuck in a job that is not fulfilling or doesn’t interest you? Or maybe you’re just curious about what you are called to do. I believe that the answer to these questions is directly connected to your gift and I’ve created this free download to help you discover it!
Each one of us has a unique gift. However, some people are either convinced that they don’t have one or can’t pinpoint what their gift is. This can be a frustrating place to be. Not knowing what you are good at can keep you stuck - in your career or in your personal life.
So how do you know what your gift is? Well, some people think that their gift is something they really like or have some passion about but that’s not 100% accurate. For example, I really like dancing. Just put some music on and I begin to move. In my head, I think I look like one of those back up dancers at a big concert. But in reality, I’m only really good at the two-step. So needless to say, even though I like dancing a lot and I’m a bit passionate about it, I’m not that good at it! It’s not my gift!
However, I have a passion for, dedicate the time to and am good at helping people find the uniqueness and amazingness that God has blessed them with. I’ve been doing it as a college student, in church, even at work. I did it all these years, just because the opportunity came up. I didn’t think it was anything special until it became apparent to me that this has consumed most of my time and my life and I enjoy doing it! It was then I realized that coaching people to discover their gifts is MY gift!
With these five questions you will begin to discover your gift. I answered these questions myself and found that I had a valuable gift within me that if used effectively, I could bless others with it and cause them to grow and achieve their life’s purpose!
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